Thursday, December 16, 2010

That Time of Year

Well its here !

And your asking what ? Well if you've been watching the news then you know.
For those of you who dont....

Snow and then some.

Got back from India it was cold out but tolerable.
Then days later all heck breaks loose, and we get a months worth of snow in about 3 days.
So been a few snow days here. Some places got nailed big time.

View from my office window - Hyde Park Rd and Gainsborough Rd, London,ON

Well to get in the spirit of things , seems i have become Mr Xmas Tree Decorator - go figure.

Assisted with one in Brantford

And then me being christmassy spirited setup and decorated the one in the office.

And for proof of life, here is me all dressed up for our Company Xmas diner tonight.
Time for a new suit, or some severe alterations. This one was bought 20lbs ago. LOL
Sorry for the harsh lighting and lack of photo quality, hard enough taking my own pic without hauling around a bunch of gear to take one. Will have to do the company headshot at some point just for the fun of it.

Other than that no excitement. Scheduled photo sessions have been rescheduled due to the wonderful driving conditions in the last few weeks, and now with Xmas almost here people get busy.

Will have to venture out for some Xmas light pics around town.

Later !

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Back to Reality

Well made home in one piece !

From the hotel bed in Mumbai to my bed in London took 24hrs - long freaking day.
Thankfully the plane is big enough to you can actually go for a walk from one end to the other, so at least you can stretch your legs.

I will take a few months in China over a few weeks in India , any day lol

For anyone in to Camera's all the photos for the India trip were either taken with the Canon T1i with Sigma 17-70mm, 2.8-4.5 Crop Sensor lens. or the Canon G11.
I think I could have easily brought just that lens and left everything else at home. It covered just about all my photo needs.  Also with the battery pack/grip attachment I never changed batteries for the whole trip. Though as a note i dont review pics on the camera very much and don't use the built in flash - that saves batteries big time.
Only exception are Hotel room pics when I mount the Sigma 10-20mm Wide Angle.

All other pics were taken with the Canon G11, specially when in places like airports, planes and offices,  its not so in your face when you pull it out. A little pricer for a point and shoot style camera, though it gives you all the functions of the big camera with a few limitations. Only issue has been humidity, going form air conditioned car or office into a textile mill where the temp is running around 100f and humidity is off the charts.  I used it to take the pic of the camera above, as it has a hotshoe for using external flashes. So if your looking for high end P&S without all the fussing of a DSLR (big camera) then this is the one to choose.

So now begins the task of writing reports for each customer visited, plus overall report on the trip.
We use this information to track what we have instructed or recommended our customers to do , so that they can a get maximum life from our product.

Of course Xmas season is rolling up fast along with winter - yipppeeee to both !!

Only plans so far for this month are a scheduled day with my Brazilian Super Model - Miss Vicky.
If you have checked out my Flickr site , she had been posted up there for while. Young girl with ambitions of taking over the world.

She has changed since this pic was taken , almost a year older and changing from young girl to young lady. She does make it easy for the camera. Will be interesting to see what changes the camera picks up.

ok time to head out